Courage • Creativity • Resilience • Respect

Secondary Years (Yr 7 to 12)

Avenues College is committed to providing high quality, innovative, challenging and responsive educational programs to cater for the learning needs of all our students B-12. We have a commitment to supporting students achieve their potential.

Our innovative and rigorous academic program allows our students to prepare for the future by becoming active contributing members of our global society. By immersing our 7-10 students in the Australian Curriculum, students are challenged to achieve their potential in their desired pathways.

We further develop our students’ potential through specialised learning programs and methodologies based on neuroscience theory of learning, the belief that intelligence is fluid and the mindset pedagogy. All learning programs are engaging, purposeful and challenging, allowing students to develop the skills required to be a 21st century learner.

Our school specialises in the curriculum areas of Science, Mathematics, English, The Arts and sport. With targeted intervention strategies used to maximise the potential of each student. All students undertake a common curriculum with increasing subject choice occurring in years 9, 10 and senior school. Students in year 7 and 8 cover all 8 learning areas:


Humanities and social sciences (HASS)

Arts (Music, Drama, Art)



Design and Technology


Health and Physical Education (including Home Economics)

STEM integrates science technology, engineering, arts and mathematics to develop creative learners. STEM encourages students to focus on the creative process of pulling existing parts together to create something new or solve a problem. STEM prepares students for innovative careers that meet the 21 Century challenges head on.

In senior school students are offered a number of pathway choices through the SACE including university, VET, TAFE and work.

Head of Middle Years - Jen Geyer